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Student Exchange to Germany

Student Exchange to Germany

Student Exchange to Germany

Traveling to a foreign country is a life-changing experience, especially when it involves immersing oneself in a new culture, language, and way of life.  After years of covid restricted travel, it is great to see that exchanges to and from Germany are back in full swing again.  Earlier this year Timon Boyack returned from his exchange to Germany with the New Zealand-Germany exchange program. He hosted his Bavarian exchange partner Elias here at Rutherford a few weeks after his return. Both students grew immensely from their experiences in another country.  Year 10 student Amy Cosslett spent Term 3 at Gymnasium Oedeme, a high school in Lueneburg, North Germany. 

During her time in Germany, she had the privilege of exploring some of the country's most iconic cities. Berlin, with its vibrant history and multicultural atmosphere, left an indelible mark on her. Year 11 students Pallavi Kumar, Isaac Igusa, Zach Petley and Finn Boyack are currently living the excitement of preparing  for their upcoming exchange to Germany in a few weeks time. All four students will be attending different schools in Bavaria and have the chance to experience a German Christmas. I wish them all unforgettable experiences and that they will expand their horizons. I hope that they will meet new people, absorb a different culture, learn exciting things, and transform their dreams into reality. Gute Reise!

by Petra Scheffer-Cosslett 

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