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Polynesian Panther Visit

Polynesian Panther Visit

Polynesian Panther Visit

On Tuesday afternoon two founding members of the Polynesian Panthers graced our school hall with their presence. Dr Melani Anae and Rev Alec Toleafoa came and shared their experiences of being civil rights activists in their teenage years. It was shocking to hear and see the racial discrimination against the Pacific that occured in the 70’s; this happened only 50 years ago! There was once a time where Pacific peoples in New Zealand were targeted; their homes were raided at ungodly hours, they were commanded to show identification papers out in public and were made to feel as if they did not belong!  

We were shown the statistics of how effective the Dawn Raids really were, only 18 people were found to be overstayers, but over 800 homes were raided! The Pasifika community were made the scapegoats for the downturn in the economy and all the blame was pinned upon them. Polynesians were the minority of overstayers, in fact there were more overstayers from other nations. But, in 2021, Labour Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made a formal apology, trying to weave together the trust and connections that were lost in the 70’s.  

Melania and Alec were around our age (16-17) when they joined the civil rights group, which amazed many of us. It instilled the fact that, not only youth belonging to Pasfika, but all young people are important, that we matter and that we can make a change.  

From an unapologetically brown girl; to my brown brothers and sisters - Do not allow the trials those before us faced in this nation be in vain. History that is forgotten can repeat itself. We are the essence of brown excellence and the answers to their prayers years ago. 

Thank you to Ana Tolova’a as well as Mr. Talamaivao for making this happen. 

by Vainiaku TUPOU 13GR

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