On Wednesday 3rd July Tegan Cole (12AX), Elizabeth Iosefo (13HO), Emma Ngau (12AX), Katana Renata (12RE), Ona Sebetian (13BH), Erollis Soseu (12WO), Abi Tolovae-Nonutunu (12FG) and myself Vainiaku Tupou (13GR) had the pleasure of Nadia Rasch, Sam Pilisi and Rennie Atfield-Douglas visiting Rutherford College to talk to us about the Pacific Health Wayfinders programme for an hour, which is an initiative at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (FMHS).
They aim to help increase the Pacific Health workforce by encouraging Pacific and Māori secondary school students who meet the criteria and are interested in pursuing a career pathway in health.
They spoke about what pathways we can look at in Health along with their own academic experiences. This gave us an insight on what subjects (English-rich subjects and a Math's subject) we should be aiming towards to meet the prerequisites of the courses and if on track what is available as Health is a wide area to choose from.
“I really enjoyed it, and it got me thinking” - Katana Renata (12RE)
Fa’afetai lava Mr Talamaivao for organising this.
Malo ‘aupito
Vainiaku Tupou (13GR)