Naumai NZ - Information and suggestions to help you find your way, connect and explore your new home.
Tourism New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand's offers some valuable information about tourism opportunities for families while in New Zealand.
100% Pure New Zealand - 100% Pure New Zealand offers some valuable suggestions and information about tourism opportunities for families while in New Zealand.
Study in New Zealand - The official Government site for advice on studying abroad in New Zealand. This site offers information on a range of courses at universities, institutes and schools. You can also read student stories of real life experiences and learn important information about the costs of living in New Zealand.
Immigration New Zealand’s Studying in New Zealand - This site offers information about studying in New Zealand, student life and working while studying. This site also offers information about visa options for students and families.
NZQA’s Studying in New Zealand - This site offers further information about New Zealand qualifications, secondary school and NCEA, Tertiary education and quality assurance of education in New Zealand.
New Zealand Now - This Government website share information about living, working, studying and investing in New Zealand as well as information about visas, job prospects and the great lifestyle here.
Education New Zealand - Education New Zealand (ENZ) raises awareness of New Zealand as a study destination and supports education providers and businesses to export their services and products.
What to do if you have a complaint - NZQA guide for what to do if you have a complaint.
Disputes Resolution Scheme - The DRS supports students to resolve complaints with their education provider, ph:0800 006675
International Student Complaint Policy - Rutherford College policy for international student complaints.
Rutherford College Policies are available through SchoolDocs. Username: rutherfordcollege. Password: kotuku. Click on the "International" tab to find all the International policies for Rutherford College.