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The Arts Exhibition 2023

The Arts Exhibition 2023

The Arts Exhibition 2023

On the 26th of July 2023, we had the pleasure to host the Rutherford Arts Exhibition. This year, The Arts Exhibition was largely student-led. Both of us, Ishani Kumar and Lily Carter, volunteered in Term 1 to take on this major project for artists to spread awareness under their name and gain confidence in sharing their work. We worked closely with our Development Officer Mrs Vanita Karena and  Arts and Cultural Coordinator Ms Sandi Perumal , to put on this beautiful event. Art from all across the school was displayed. The Fabric/Fashion Tech  department under Ms Gill Feruguson and Maori  Department under Matua Jeff also joined force. Food Tech students under Ms Jennis Hayes served everyone home-made mouthwatering food for the night.    

Painting, drawing, sculptural display, carved work and craftwork were all on display. They were  produced by the talented Rutherfordian students( current and ex students). Students also had the opportunity to sell their work, either through silent auction or through standard sales, through which they will receive profit, as well as recognition, for their hard work and dedication to creative pursuit. 

Three awards were presented that night  to the following talented artists: 

Judy Farrar Junior Art Award: Eden Howie Judy Farrar Intermediate

 Art Award: Natalia Noon-Jones Judy Farrar Senior 

Art Award : Jemima Tichborne  

We are grateful for the support we have received from different departments around Rutherford College as well as the community. Thank you to those who purchased a ticket, bought artwork and showed up to the event. We set out to produce an event in which the creative talent at Rutherford College is appropriately represented and acknowledged for the dedication behind that aspect of our school. The result became The Arts Exhibition and many of our community members were able to support and attend. Our goal to give artistic creativity a moment of appreciation was accomplished in superb fashion.   

by Ishani Kumar and Lily Carter

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