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New Rutherford College Maara

New Rutherford College Maara

Just in time for Matariki, Stage 1 of our new Matua Kimiora Aerengamate-designed school māra, is completed with its first plantings, a variety of vegetables, in the ground.

Stage 1 of this project began earlier in the year, driven by Matua Jeff and our Te Ao Māori Department, collaborating with Whaea Liz and the Marae Committee.

A big thank you to Matua Brian and Matua Jim, who donated the machinery and equipment along with expertise to first prepare the site. 

Our Kōhanga Reo is also involved led by Tumuaki, Whaea Joy Tautahi. Whaea Joy organised sponsorship with Bunnings New Lynn, who donated the garden beds, compost bins, soil and plants. Bunnings New Lyn Staff even came on site to help staff and students assemble the raised garden beds.

Our māra will now become an important part of teaching and learning, for our tamariki in the Kōhanga Reo too.

The next stage of the project will be to complete the system of recycling and composting for the marae and the Kōhanga Reo.

We would like to thank our Property team and the students and whānau who volunteered extra time and resources in the last few months to make all this happen. And to Whaea Stacy and Matua Stu for working on the hangi site so it now blends into the māra. Ngā mihi nui kia koutou. Mānawatia a Matariki.

Image Credit: 12 Te Reo and 12 Mahi a Toi student, Daemon Kennedy, and Kòhanga Reo parent, Matua Isaac, moving mulch for the new màra during a Saturday morning working bee

by Robert Solomone

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