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Tika Maori and Pasifika (TMAP) University of Auckland Day

Tika Maori and Pasifika (TMAP) University of Auckland Day

Tika Māori & Pasifika (TMAP) University of Auckland, Science Department - Water Clarity Workshop

On the 12th of September the Tika Māori & Pasifika (TMAP) program (aimed at fostering Māori and Pasifika interest in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Pathways visited the University of Auckland to do a workshop with Mr. Ed Clayton -  who is currently 3 Years part-time as a PhD Candidate in Environmental Science. He showed us his affordable and simple do it yourself (DIY) water clarity sensors he has been working on and allowed us to have a go at making one together including assembling the main body and soldering circuit boards. Also present was Dr Cody Mankelow - Professional Teaching Fellow - Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Dean Postgraduate Taught and Jean Greenwood - Masters of Engineering Candidate. As well as this we visited more of the University and were visited by some other students working towards their Masters who gave us tips on general uni life and how to manage work loads. Overall it was an amazing day and we were all really grateful for the opportunities and knowledge given to us.

We will be presenting our findings to our Principal Mr. Moore about the work we have done over the year which includes the Pixe Stream, Virtual Reality, just to name a couple.

Thank you to Dr Michael O’Sullivan for being our contact person at the University of Auckland and allowing us access to these workshops over 2024 and also to Mr. Talamaivao for organizing and taking us out to the University of Auckland. A big thank you to Mrs. Goulding and Mr. Gilmoure for their guidance and assistance throughout the year.

Charlie Isaac-Adshead 13DD 

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