As we are currently experiencing a high cost of living, the level of stress, worries, and anxiety has grown exponentially. Most adults care more about others than themselves, they place whānau and friends’ needs before the individual necessities. When we neglect self-care, our wellbeing and physical and mental health will be compromised.
This week, ākonga/learners at the Crochet(Intro to Amigurumi) and Cake Decorating courses stated that they enjoy attending these classes not only to acquire new skills and knowledge but also to take care of themselves.
They” leave” the day-to-day worries at the door, and they focus on experiencing what the present is offering, living in the moment. Seeing smiles and kindness among them, it’s so uplifting. I guess I am also learning from our ākonga/students valuable life lessons...
by Ramona Toth