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Principal's Panui - 5 July 2024

Principal's Panui - 5 July 2024

Principal's Panui - 5 July 2024

Kia ora te whanau ō te Kōtuku

Term Highlights 

We will all have our individual highlights of what we have enjoyed as being part of the kotuku flock. There is much can be proud of both in terms of events and what has been accomplished as individuals and collectively as a group of people.

My List

  • The implementation of a junior scholar’s programme for our year 9 and 10 students to inspire further academic excellence.
  • We are seeing a pleasing trend based on numbers at this time of the year with a decrease in not achieved results and an increase in the number of students who are achieving each standard with merit or excellence. The numbers are as follows. Not Achieved results down by 6%. Achieved results also down by 2% which has translated into merit results up by 3 % and excellence up 5%. More students striving for and producing levels of personal excellence with their NCEA results at this time of the year - 35% of standards completed.
  • School Cross Country and the challenge this event provides.
  • The continuing growth of the housing system and the friendly rivalry and competitive spirit it evokes.
  • Success of Te Poho o Hinekahukura at the Tamakai Makarau Qualifiers for National Kapa Haka Champs in 2025.
  • Chris Hipkins supporting the nationwide anti bullying week by speaking to our Year 9 students.
  • Principals' conference in Queenstown.
  • Senior Drama Production
  • LUV Music
  • International Languages Week and our Cultural evening culminated a great week.
  • Matariki Celebrations and the events of that week which included the completion of the first phase of the Maara garden and the progress toward a garden to table philosophy within our kura.
  • Hosting of the battle of the pans inter school hospitality and cooking competition.
  • The hosting of the inaugural parent student breakfast to build further on the connections between school-students and whanau.
  • The Senior school Ball at Ellerslie racecourse is always a highlight and was so again this year. Always so proud of our students who treat the event with respect and enjoy a special night in their lives.

My ongoing appreciation of the people within our community. This includes my daily dose of being able to get out in our school grounds and have such great conversations, interactions and laughs with so many of our young people. I receive regular reminders of the great opportunity and job we have, as educators of so many great young people who aspire to be the best that they can be. It’s a tough job being a teenager but nearly all are working hard and being kind on their journey as they strive for personal excellence. We treat them with respect, care and clarity about what is expected to be happy and successful in life, and they respond with respect, care and humour in return.

New Administration Building

Lastly but not least, the progression of the plans and start date for our new Administration Building to be housed at the entrance to the school.  After nearly five years of planning and being held back for one reason or another we have got the green light to go ahead. 

Part way through the completion of this we will begin the process of converting the current administration block into a much-needed Student Services Centre. At times it has felt we might never get this over the line but we will be breaking ground on this new build later this year. 

Admin Concept DesignAdmin Build 2

Takau ngakau titoki, Takau ngakau Kotuku

With the strongest heart, the heart of a kotuku.

Please have a safe and restful holiday break.

Best regards

Gary Moore 

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