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Principal's Panui - 23 August 2024

Principal's Panui - 23 August 2024

Principal's Panui - 23 August 2024

Mālō e lelei

Today was the 61st annual Rutherford day and we had the pleasure of hearing Karen O’Leary speak. We also enjoyed performances from Te Kotuku Kapa Haka, our award winning concert band and Deputy Head Girl Vaniaku Tupou who performed Ta'olunga a Tongan dance, as this week we also celebrate Tongan Language Week. 

The theme of my address today was how the past, the present and the future are all linked. The life we have led to this date, the current moment and the life we will be able to lead based on what went before are all inter-connected.

The past-how many days have we had in our own lives to date, and what did we do with those precious days? The present - we have 168 hours in the current week. How many of those hours each week are spent focusing on, What's Important Now?

Are we investing this gift of time (168 Hours) in the present to develop our human capital, our biggest resource to be the best version of ourselves. 

We all have been granted two great opportunities in the present moment. You have been given the opportunity to be kind, choose well. You have been given the opportunity to learn and develop your human capital. Use this well also.

A recent study of people and those who live the happiest lives could identify two common traits and values. People who were both learners and carers had magnificent lives. Remember that Kindness (care) is a choice even when fondness is not.  We may not 100% like someone based on their behaviours or our different beliefs, but kindness and respect is always a must do. 

How do we make the most of the present? Always show care for people and make a choice to be curious about life.

Each day, I urge that you are wary of addressing issues with a snowball of band aids or quick fixes. A quick fix or snowball doesn’t last very long, and we will learn little from the experience where we have not had to put some skin in the game.

Whether it’s success or failure in the current moment make the choice to Think.......

This worked because...... This failed because .......

In this way you will keep moving forward and strengthen your resolve and learn what works for you and what doesn’t.

Year 13 Dance Showcase

Next week we look forward to senior dance students presenting their choreographic showcase for 2024.

28 and 29 August at 7pm. You can book your tickets here

Tickets on-line are $10.00

School Policies and Procedures

Rutherford College subscribes to SchoolDocs for policies and procedures. These are available for staff, students and whanau to view. You can log in to the portal here.
(username: rutherford college), (password: kotuku). 

You can also review policies by clicking on the the blue review button. Click on the policy you are interested in and then start your review. You can also use this form if you prefer and send it to [email protected].nz

Policies up for review this term are:

  • Concerns and Complaints
  • Media
  • Performance Management
  • Professional Development
  • Protected Disclosures
  • Staff Conduct
  • Staff Leave

 Board Feedback or Suggestions

The board are also interested to hear any feedback you have about the school in general, things that you think are going well or possibly suggestions for improvements. They are especially interested in how whanau would like to engage with them for strategic planning purposes. If you want to provide feedback, you can do so here

What's coming up?

2-6 is Winter Tournament Week
6 September - Mid Term Break - No school for students

Kia Kaha

Gary Moore




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