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Principal's Panui - 05 February 2025

Principal's Panui - 05 February 2025

Principal's Panui - 05 February 2025

Kia ora te whanau ō te Kōtuku  

It has been great this week to welcome back Years 10-13 and to see our fledgling Kōtukus taking their first steps as part of the flock.

I have spoken with all year groups as they arrived back to Rutherford to start the 2025 academic year.

How do I improve on last year? As always this starts with the right work ethic and approach to making every learning opportunity a step in the right direction.

The work ethic, progress and steps you take in the right direction this year will create confidence in your future self. Its about further developing habits and routines that will serve you well.

Adopt a growth mindset, I can and will be better by taking little steps in the right direction every day and that I will start from where my feet are now.  Don’t just be in class (right place) at the right time with the right equipment (the minimum required for progress) but look to increase your engagement and concentration levels.

Hand in work for feedback. Get in the habit of acting on that feedback to improve at each point along the way.

 “The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold your foot long enough to enable you to place the other somewhat higher.” 

Those of you who do the little things right and repeat them often will be the ones in the long run who make the biggest gains.  The most important determining factor of individual success is our own attitude and approach.

I also reminded all of our people that manners and courtesy are highly valued at Rutherford. Please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry cost you nothing. At Rutherford we say please, thank you, excuse me and sorry and we use language appropriate to our school setting.

Develop good relationships, work hard, be kind and know that success is more about perseverance and learning from mistakes than it ever is about talent. 

For our Year 10 students, 2025 provides the opportunity and challenge of completing the co-requisites of Literacy and Numeracy for NCEA. Making progress toward the achievement and attainment of these two qualifications are two of the must do’s for what’s important now this year. 

For our Year 11 students, 2025 is the chance to attain the first rung on the ladder of NCEA achievement. This is the start of a new year, and you must make the most of the entire year to give yourself the very best opportunity of achieving your personal best in NCEA Level 1 by the end of the year. The minimum target is to add 60+ credits to your numeracy and literacy co-requisites. The next minimum expectation is to attain 14+ credits in every subject you are taking.14+ in all learning areas supports the attainment of level 1. It also provides some confidence that you have the foundation knowledge and understanding for further study in this learning area. The next expectation you should have of yourselves is to endorse as many standards as possible with merit and or excellence. 

The importance of the internal standards and the first chance opportunities cannot be overstated. We only get one chance to make a good start. Students who are successful long term make the most of the opportunity at the first time of it being offered. The first chance to develop the right work ethic, the habits of mind.

It does not always mean that you will achieve your goal at the first attempt.   You can’t win the lottery if you don’t’ buy a ticket.  If you start early and make gradual and consistent steps up, you will get there. 

For our Year 12 students.

With each passing year you get closer to leaving and what the quality of your exit qualification will be. Most of you part way through Year 13 will be making plans for enrolling in Tertiary and will be doing so based on your Level 2 results. Your performance this year will make your life easier when you start those processes next year. They will not be interested in what you are ‘gunna’ do. An increased number of courses are limited entry, and a track record is what is important, not potential.

 14+ is the key to success and must be the minimum expectation for every course of study you are involved with. One it guarantees Level 2 success but also provides the basis from which to work with to produce a solid foundation for Level 3 course and the attaining of University Entrance in Year 13.  Those that accept the minimum and just sneak past the post invariably struggle with the next step, as the expectations ramp up.

For our Year 13 students, we want you to enjoy your senior year. To do this will also require that you can be proud of the exit qualification you graduate from Secondary School with. At Rutherford for those whose subjects include three UE approved courses then the goal is Level 3 and UE.  This increases the range of choices that you have. At the start of this year we know that 80% of our Year 13 students have courses that provide access to attaining UE. 

Develop good relationships, work hard, be kind and know that success is more about perseverance and learning from mistakes than it ever is about talent.  Enjoy the long weekend and looking forward to the first full week of life at Rutherford College.

Reporting an absence

If your son or daughter is going to be away from school for any reason it is important to report the absence through our school portal. Sign in to SchoolBridge/School Portal and Click on Report an Absence and follow the prompts. You can use the 'other' section for discretionary leave such as trips away. You should note that trips during term time will be recorded an unjustified. The Ministry of Education determines the recording codes which you can view here

Signing into  SchoolBridge/School Portal you use your email address as the username and sign in using Google/Facebook or another account that you may have. You use your own password for that account to verify your identity. If you are having problems, it may be due to your email address recorded incorrectly in our system or you may be using an email address that is different. Please check with the school if you are having problems signing in. Once signed in you can view attendance, report absences, view reports and pay accounts. 

Leaving early during school time

If your son or daughter needs to leave early for an appointment, please request an exit pass from class via the School Portal/SchoolBridge. Log in and click on Report Absence, Choose Exit Pass and complete the details. This will speed up the process for you when you arrive to collect your child. If you do not do this, the delay can take 15 minutes or more while we locate your son or daughter in the school. 

Whānau Hui - 12 February 6-8pm

Our Te Ao Māori department is holding a hui for all whānau Māori at the kura next Wednesday 12th February, 6pm - 8pm, in the marae.

Come and meet our 2025 team Matua Paratene, Matua Stefan and Whaea Stacey and get an introduction to what is available for our rangatahi in our  kura in terms of kaupapa Māori.

Whaea Stacey will also outline the structure of NCEA, and the support organised for achieving the mandatory literacy and numeracy NCEA co-requisites. Tumuaki Gary will present the latest on Māori NCEA achievement.

New to Rutherford BBQ - 18 February

At Rutherford we value the building of authentic relationships with students and whanau. For all our new to Rutherford College students at all year levels, and their whanau, please make the attendance at our new to Rutherford Barbecue on Tuesday February 18 February at 6pm a priority. This is a great chance for you to meet your young person’s tutor teacher and also their individual subject teachers in a relaxed environment.

To strive for personal excellence is the school's mission statement and the objective we have for all our students is that they strive to seek the heights of their potential. 

Swimming Sports - 19 February

The Sports Committee will attend Year 9 and 10 Tutor Classes on Tuesday, 4th February to assist students with entry forms for swimming events. They will also attend Year 11, 12, and 13 Tutor Time (10:50 am) for the same purpose.  All participating students must wear full school uniform to and from school. Only students competing in events should go directly to the pool at the beginning of Interval- Races will start period 3.

Students not competing will follow their normal class timetable. Participants should bring: Swimwear & towel, Hat & sunscreen, Water & lunch

Athletics Day - Friday 21 February

Friday 21 February involves all students participating in athletics over the course of the day. Students should dress in house colours or wear their PE uniform. They should bring hat, sunscreen and drink. Races and field events will take place on the field and students will remain with their House for the day.  

School Policies and Procedures
Rutherford College subscribes to SchoolDocs for all policies and procedures. These policies are available to staff, students and whanau. You can read or review any of the policies on our site. A guide to using or reviewing SchoolDocs is available here.

Log in to SchoolDocs
Username: rutherfordcollege
Password: kotuku

Dates to remember

6 and 7 February - school is closed for the Waitangi Weekend.
24 February - Scholars Assembly
28 February - school is closed for a Staff Only Day
04 March - NCEA Evening 6pm (Hall)
28 March - Fiafia Night
03 April - 05 April -Polyfest

Have a great long weekend.

Gary Moore

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